2024 錦秋のコース Late autumn seasonal course

*English follows Japanese. Please click to move.





  ■ 錦秋のコース <めでたし>
 7 ペアリングを含む 9 皿のコースです。

 1. 秋麗   ズワイガニ・柿・みかん・紅葉
 2. 星月夜  ボタンエビ・帆立・林檎
 3. 秋時雨  アカイカ・間引き人参・ピータン・生落花生・青柚子
 4. 山粧う  ホンシュウジカ・栗・ブルーベリー
 5. 飲む干物 鯵の干物
 6. ふかまり 秋子(椎茸)・豚・銀杏
 7. ナチュラルチーズ
 8. オーガニック「亀の尾」米の焼きおにぎり 出汁茶漬け、焼き魚
 9. 甘味

 ■ 錦秋のコース <カジュアル>
 より気軽にペアリングを体験いただけるよう設計された、6 ペアリングを含む 7 皿のコースです。

 1. 秋麗   ズワイガニ・柿・みかん・紅葉
 2. 秋時雨  間引き人参・ピータン・生落花生・青柚子
 3. 山粧う  ホンシュウジカ・ブルーベリー
 4. 草紅葉  ムール貝・舞茸
 5. ふかまり 秋子(椎茸)・豚・銀杏
 6. ナチュラルチーズ
 7. オーガニック「亀の尾」米のおにぎり 出汁茶漬

* <めでたし><カジュアル>とでは、同じタイトルでも料理内容が異なる場合もあります。


↓ ご予約はこちらから ↓

According to the 24 solar terms, we have now entered “Sōkō” (Frost Descent).
This is the time when the cold of the mornings and evenings intensifies, and frost begins to appear. The next solar term will bring “Rittō” (the start of winter).
In Tokyo, there are still occasional surprises with days that feel like summer, but on October 10th, the first frost of the year was observed in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, marking the sure progression of the season toward winter, especially in northern regions and mountain areas.

As autumn deepens, the grasses along rivers and in meadows begin to turn red and gold, and we find ourselves breathless at their beauty swaying in the wind.
The broad-leaved trees’ leaves take on vibrant hues of red, yellow, and orange, and the mountains become like a bright tapestry. Guo Xi, a painter of China’s Northern Song dynasty, once described such scenes by saying, “The autumn mountains are bright and pure, as if dressed in finery.”

Many creatures are entering their season of harvest, and as we approach winter, the flavors of food grow richer and more complex.
Both warm sakes and meals seep deep into the body, bringing comfort.

We have now begun offering the “Late autumn seasonal course,” a seasonal experience designed to delight all five senses, featuring the vivid colors and deep flavors of this bountiful time of year.

We look forward to receiving your reservations.
