Shintani brewery is one of the smallest sake breweries located at Tokuchi area in Yamaguchi city, Yamaguchi prefecture. These smiling Mr. and Mrs. Shintani have been managing it and brewing sake in Four Seasons – it’s called as ‘Shiki Jyozo’ – from 2007.
Tokuchi is in Yamaguchi city, the capital of Yamaguchi prefecture, but here is a quiet countryside. The beautiful SABA river runs through near the brewery. They use this water for brewing.
Shintani brewery is located on the land that slopes toward the SABA river. It’s the reason why it looks like a semi-basement building.
They have brewed the sake brand ‘WAKAMUSUME’. It futures fresh-pressed, non-filtered, non-pasteurized and non-diluted. ‘WAKAMUSUME’ sounds like a young girl, but the Kanji of ‘WAKAMUSUME’ is ‘和可娘’, it doesn’t mean a young girl. It’s said that ‘WAKAMUSUME’ came from Ms. Suou-no-naishi, a female poet of the late Heian Period. She was born in this area and was very popular in the capital -Kyoto- because of her intelligence and humor.
春の夜の 夢ばかりなる 手枕にかひなくたたむ 名こそをしけれ (周防内侍)
Because there are only 2-3 workers, the work space is very compact. They used their KOSHIKI – a rice steamer – and shower for pasteurization of their new product.
And, here is the secret space of Shintani brewery..
Open sesame!
They are brewing sake from MOTO stage to pressing, and preserving sake in this air-conditioned room by 1 or 2 persons. This room realizes Four Seasons brewing.
They have 3 basic products of ‘WAKAMUSUME’, Junmai, Usuhana-zakura Junmai Ginjo and NEW ( means pilot production) Junmai Ginjo. All are non-filtered, non-pasteurized and non-diluted sake. They are carefully brewed in small tanks and delicate. We recommend tasting their sake when you’ll find them because it’s very rare in Tokyo!
And now, a new brand is coming up soon. We’ll be able to find the New Shintani style in this!
基本の「わかむすめ」のラインナップは、「純米酒(無濾過生原酒)」、「薄花桜(うすはなざくら、純米吟醸無濾過生原酒)」、実験的な立ち位置の「新(にゅう、現在は秋田酒こまちの純米吟醸無濾過生原酒)」。一回あたり約 400 kg という小仕込み、丁寧で献身的な手作りのとてもデリケートなお酒で、東京ではなかなかお見かけできません。見つけたら是非、お試しくださいね。
← にゃんこのまいまい
TEL 0835(52)0016