The 36th Japan sake tasting competition including a newly-started International category was held on 28th Oct

The 36th Japan Sake Tasting Competition was held on 28th Oct. sponsored by Japan Sake And Shochu Makers Association at Sheraton Miyako Hotel Tokyo.
This year, the International Category is newly opened.
This will be held in English for non-Japanese speaking sake lovers!
10月28日に、日本酒造組合中央会主催で「第36回 全国きき酒選手権大会」が、シェラトン都ホテル東京にて開催されました。今年は、英語で実施される<インターナショナル部門>が新たに創設され、その記念すべき第一回目の開催となります!

The opening ceremony began with Mr. Shishida’s speech. After an written examination only in Japanese, 5 groups challenge 15 mins sake tasting.

There were 12 participants from USA, UK, Taiwan, Colombia, India and France in the International Category.

A rule of the competition is the ranking style match.

First, tasting 7 different sakes and making own ranking in 7mins.
Second, replace the sakes randomly, then tasting sakes and make own ranking again in 7mins.
The referee will check how many sakes are placed in the same rank in the 1st and 2nd tasting.

The participants had a serious look on their face.

After a serious challenge and a seminar about sake tasting, we had a gorgeous greeting party with delicious Japanese, Chinese and Western cuisine and a lot of sakes.

And, award ceremony.
Certificate and prize ware awarder to high scorers of each category.
The 1st champion of the 1st international category is Mr.Lin Weiyao from Taiwan. He is a traveller to Japan from Taiwan! His friend for over 12 years, Mr. Robert Chen told him about this competition as one of memories of the travel.
Mr. David Cheek from USA took 2nd place and Mr. Robert from USA, Taiwan took 3rd place.
初のインターナショナル部門、栄えある優勝者は、台湾のLin Weiyaoさん。なんと彼は、台湾からの旅行者なのです。彼の12年来の友人、Robert Chenさん(3位!)に、今回の日本旅行の思い出に参加してみないか、と誘われての、優勝なのでした。ドラマティックです。
準優勝は、アメリカの愉快なおじさま、Mr. David Cheekさんでした。

↑ Mr. Lin Weiyao from Taiwan

↑ Mr. David Cheek from U.S.A.

 ↑ Mr. Robert Chen from Taiwan


 ↑ The champ of an individual category

I was very happy to see beautiful smile of Ms. Linda Ortega and Mr. Wkiecnkyeid Dokon from Colombia. They has just moved to Japan one month before!
Mr. Wkiecnkyeid Dokon is an artist and they have a strong interest in Japanese culture including Japanese Sake.

惜しくも入賞は逃してしまいましたが、コロンビアから日本に来てまだ1ヶ月という美男美女ご夫婦の Ms. Linda Ortega と Mr. Wkiecnkyeid Dokon。Wkiecnkyeid Dokonはアーティストでもあり、とても感度の高いお二人!日本文化に、日本酒に強い興味を持たれていて、今大会で初めて東京に来た、と眩しい笑顔を見せてくれました。

I’m really looking forward to that this competition will gather more participants and will be regarded as a base for promoting sake to the world.
