投稿日: 12月 19, 2017

SAKE Story at Gotanda

カテゴリー: Restaurant

今年の夏に五反田にオープンした、橋野元樹さんのお店「SAKE Story」

キラーん✨ 爽やか!

投稿日: 12月 14, 2017

Shochu & Awamori Seminar Report

カテゴリー: Event / Seminar, Report


投稿日: 3月 07, 2017

The 1st SAKE with FLOWER event

カテゴリー: Event / Seminar

We held the 1st art event named ‘Sake with Flower’ on 4th March.

This event offers a special experience: having tasty sake and food while watching ikebana and its creative process. We selected 4 kinds of sake from Ichinokura brewery in Miyagi prefecture and made paring food harmoniously. Sayaka Toshima, a performing artist, showcased ikebana with vibrant spring flowers. Sake, ikebana, and the beauty of a spring night.

投稿日: 11月 29, 2016

Just opened a new sake bar SAYURI at Sukiya-dori in Ginza!

カテゴリー: Restaurant

It’s my pleasure to be assigned as a sake advisor and a sake sommelier of a newly opened sake bar SAYURI at Sukiya-dori in Ginza.

Bar SAYURI is very cozy sake bar with 13 seats on the 4th floor of typical small building of Ginza. It’s opened by a young and beautiful Ms. Sayuri Fukazawa.

We’ll serve 16-20 sakes of many types from various area of Japan and delicious small dishes they goes well with sake.
Our warm sake will be steamed in a Japanese steaming basket.

I’ll be work here several days a week for some months.
I hope Bar SAYURI will be provide a relax time with beautiful sakes for our guests.

東京都中央区銀座7-3-13 銀座第4金井ビル4階
☎0︎3 3574 5563

投稿日: 11月 08, 2016

Warm sake to the world – SAKE Scene 〼福 masufuku –

カテゴリー: Restaurant

Warm sake is good to be served with a shallow cup.(๑´ㅂ`๑)  At first, we can select today’s my cup from many and put it on a wooden square box called ‘masu’.
そう、お燗酒は平盃でいただくのが美味しいのです!(๑´ㅂ`๑) 〼福さんでは最初に幾つかの平盃から自分の好みのものを選び、それをオリジナルの酒枡の上に置いて、お酒をいただきます。

投稿日: 11月 07, 2016

NAMI sake – the 1st sake brewed in MEXICO

カテゴリー: Brewery

On 5th Nov., I had a really sensational and great time at the sake seminar held by Mr. Haruo Matsuzaki!

セカイのおSAKEの生き字引、松崎 晴雄先生による【日本酒市民講座・番外編~SAKEは世界の共通語・メキシコ編】が2016年11月5日に恵比寿のメキシカンレストラン「ZONA ROSA」さんで開催されました。それはとても衝撃的な夜でした。

NAMI sake is the 1st sake made in Mexico, in Culiacán, Sonora.
Mr. Koji Yamada, the CEO and the TOJI of Michizakura has been provided technical training and advice for 2 years. At the seminar, we could taste 5 sakes including 2 sakes brewed by only Mexican brewers. It’s really SAKE, it’s amazing.
NAMI は、メキシコで作られる初めての本格的な高品質のSAKE。「三千櫻」の蔵元杜氏、山田 耕司 さんの2年にわたる技術指導を受けています。今回味わうことができた5種のSAKEのうち2つは、山田さんが日本に戻ってきてから、現地のスタッフのみで醸したもの。それが、、、びっくりするほど美味しい!


The top brewer of NAMI is very young Mr.Ernesto Reyes. He was working at a laboratory related food until 2 years ago. yes, It has been only 2 years since his 1st sake experience!
NAMIの醸造のトップ(なんとなくまだ「杜氏さん」とは違う感じがしちゃいます)はまだ20代!お若いErnesto Reyesさん。彼は以前、食品関係の研究をされていて、2年前にNAMIのオーナーに見初められて酒造りに関わることになったとのこと。日本酒を飲んだのは、もちろんその時が初めて✨

The equipments of NAMI are very gorgeous because the passion of the owner is ‘real’. And they had a good fortune to get awesome support by Mr.Yamada.

Mr. Koji Yamada, the CEO and the TOJI of Michizakura
「三千櫻」の蔵元杜氏、山田 耕司さん。


Mr.Ernesto and 2 brewers will train at Michizakura this winter. I believe they will learn not only technical things but also the sprit of sake brewing.
