投稿日: 6月 24, 2019

川鶴酒造 山田錦の田植え

カテゴリー: Brewery









投稿日: 3月 12, 2019


カテゴリー: Brewery, Event / Seminar




まだまだ造りの時期のさなか、貴重な時間を縫って22もの蔵が集まり、33もの蔵のお酒が並び、恵比寿「GEM by moto」千葉 麻里絵さんプロデュースによる本気のペアリングを体験できるとあって、250名分の前売り券は発売数時間で完売となりました。

まずは「A 果実や花のような香りで、華やかだけどすっきり系」のお酒6種類と、「アボカドの西京漬け」と「苺と春菊の白和え」。


次は「B 洗練された穏やかな香りで、バランスの良い食中酒系」のお酒に、「魚のフリット タルタルソース」と「ポテトサラダ 塩昆布」のペアリング。Aに比べて香りは控えめの、メロンやバナナのような、瓜っぽい印象の穏やかな香りに、お米の甘い旨味が広がり、食べ物に寄り添うタイプのお酒です。広島は他県のものより少し重厚感があると言います。漬物入りのタルタルソースの酸味、ポテトサラダの塩昆布のミネラル感との相乗効果も楽しめました!

そして「C 円熟した甘味とコクがある、味わいしみじみ系」のお酒には、「八角香る牛肉まん 燻製ナッツ」と「セロリのココナッツおひたし」と。

最後は「D 味が重層的で、複雑味が広がるしっかり系」に、「蕗と羊チーズのマカロニサラダ」「いちじくがっこチーズ」の組み合わせです。酸味・甘味・熟成感がしっかりあり、味の幅も広く複雑味のあるお酒に、骨太な酸味・複雑な香り・苦味のありフードをかぶせることでより重層的な展開を見せるペアリングです!




投稿日: 2月 25, 2019


カテゴリー: Brewery



投稿日: 11月 29, 2018

<Sake2020>SAKE SALON(21)-福光屋(石川県)

カテゴリー: Brewery, Event / Seminar

「SAKE2020プロジェクト」の活動の一つ、酒蔵の方をお呼びしてそのお蔵のお酒を片手に英語で日本酒を語り合う「sake salon」の第21回目を2018年11月29日、虎ノ門の「日本の酒情報館」にて開催しました。今回のゲスト蔵は、石川県金沢の福光屋さんです。

Fukumitsuya founded in 1625 is the oldest brewery in Kanazawa city, located on the coast of the Sea of Japan in Ishikawa prefecture.
Fukumitsuya is a “traditional sake brewery,” meaning that all of its sake is made by hand using sake making skills and methods that have been passed down from generation to generation.
At the same time, the brewery is dedicated to continuous innovation to create the highest quality sake from nature for its customers. Since 1960, the brewery has been closely cooperating with their sake rice farmers to produce the best premium sake rice for their sake.

The mineral water to brew their delicious sake comes from “Hyakunensui,” which is water that has come from rain and snow at Mt. Hakusan and over hundreds of years has slowly filtered through the ground becoming rich in minerals that aid in the fermentation process and are essential for producing great tasting sake.

In 2001, Fukumitsuya became the first major brewer to produce only “Junmai sake,” which is sake made solely from natural ingredients consisting of the finest quality sake rice and mineral water. Fukumitsuya is also famous for being one of the leading breweries to also make mature, aged sake.

投稿日: 10月 25, 2018

#20 Sake salon of the sake2020 project w/作 ZAKU

カテゴリー: Brewery, Event / Seminar
Mr.Shinichiro Shimizu, the president of Shimizu Seizamuro Shoten ltd.

On 24th Oct., the 20th sake salon of the sake2020 project was held with Shinichiro Shimizu, the president of the brewery in Mie prefecture.

ZAKU sakes

“Zaku” is undeniably one of the most popular and well-known brands of sake available in the market today. “Shimizuseizaburo-Shoten,” the brewery which makes “Zaku” is located in Mie prefecture in Suzuka city, which is also famous as a location of the “Suzuka Circuit,” a Formula One racetrack. Blowing down from the mountains, the cold, winter wind called “Suzuka Oroshi” helps give “Zaku” its clear, crisp taste.

The bottle design of ZAKU IMPRESSION is traditional ISE-KATAGAMI. It’s so beautiful.

Very sophisticated, fruity aroma and the delicate, clear taste of “Zaku” has been popular with sake fans for a long time, but its popularity surged after it was chosen as the Kampai sake of the 2016 G7 Summit held at a beautiful coastal resort in Mie prefecture.

Ise Shrine

Mie prefecture is typically less well known outside of Japan but it is the home of Ise Shrine, a very sacred shrine of great cultural and historical significance to the Japanese people. Since Edo times, people have made a pilgrimage to Ise Shrine and for many people it is the dream of a life time to visit there. The constant flow of visitors to Ise Shrine has led to the development of a rich food culture which includes delicious Matsuzaka Beef and Matoya Oysters. With great food you can often find great sake and Mie is no exception.

投稿日: 9月 01, 2018

Sake Historia #3 – Mr. Senzaburo Miura and Hiroshima’s sake

カテゴリー: Brewery, Event / Seminar
Mr. Haruo Matsuzaki, Mr. Tatsuya Ishikawa from Taketsuru, Ms. Miho Imada from Fukucho, Mr.Shigeru Mukuda from Kamotsuru

On 1st September, The sake 2020 project held the sake event named ‘Sake Historia’ #3 with the aim to learn about modern history of sake, because the foundation of sake of today has been established at that time.

We focused Mr. Senzaburo Miura(1847〜1908), the great man of the Meiji era and Hiroshima’s sake.

Mr. Miura wad born in a big general store, but he started his own business of brewing sake in 1876. After 4 years of big failure, he found that the water of Hiroshima does not fit with the way of sake brewing of the day.null

Mr. Haruo Matsuzaki told about Mr. Senzabuto Miura’s life and his sprit.
Mr. Tatsuya Ishikawa, great TOJI of Taketsuru sake brewing company, told about the strength of Hiroshima’s sake.
Panel discussion
Delicious cheese
Kamitsuru GOLD

Mr. John Gauntner

投稿日: 4月 27, 2018

#16 Sake salon of the sake2020 project w/東光Toko

カテゴリー: Brewery, Event / Seminar, Report


On 26th April, the 16th sake salon of the sake2020 project was held with Mr. Kenichiro Kojima from Toko in Yamagata prefecture.

They are the 11th oldest sake brewery, established in 1957. They were unusually permitted to brew sake for the load and KAMI, spirit of Shinto, even under prohibition ordinance in the famine.




投稿日: 11月 07, 2016

NAMI sake – the 1st sake brewed in MEXICO

カテゴリー: Brewery

On 5th Nov., I had a really sensational and great time at the sake seminar held by Mr. Haruo Matsuzaki!

セカイのおSAKEの生き字引、松崎 晴雄先生による【日本酒市民講座・番外編~SAKEは世界の共通語・メキシコ編】が2016年11月5日に恵比寿のメキシカンレストラン「ZONA ROSA」さんで開催されました。それはとても衝撃的な夜でした。

NAMI sake is the 1st sake made in Mexico, in Culiacán, Sonora.
Mr. Koji Yamada, the CEO and the TOJI of Michizakura has been provided technical training and advice for 2 years. At the seminar, we could taste 5 sakes including 2 sakes brewed by only Mexican brewers. It’s really SAKE, it’s amazing.
NAMI は、メキシコで作られる初めての本格的な高品質のSAKE。「三千櫻」の蔵元杜氏、山田 耕司 さんの2年にわたる技術指導を受けています。今回味わうことができた5種のSAKEのうち2つは、山田さんが日本に戻ってきてから、現地のスタッフのみで醸したもの。それが、、、びっくりするほど美味しい!


The top brewer of NAMI is very young Mr.Ernesto Reyes. He was working at a laboratory related food until 2 years ago. yes, It has been only 2 years since his 1st sake experience!
NAMIの醸造のトップ(なんとなくまだ「杜氏さん」とは違う感じがしちゃいます)はまだ20代!お若いErnesto Reyesさん。彼は以前、食品関係の研究をされていて、2年前にNAMIのオーナーに見初められて酒造りに関わることになったとのこと。日本酒を飲んだのは、もちろんその時が初めて✨

The equipments of NAMI are very gorgeous because the passion of the owner is ‘real’. And they had a good fortune to get awesome support by Mr.Yamada.

Mr. Koji Yamada, the CEO and the TOJI of Michizakura
「三千櫻」の蔵元杜氏、山田 耕司さん。


Mr.Ernesto and 2 brewers will train at Michizakura this winter. I believe they will learn not only technical things but also the sprit of sake brewing.

投稿日: 11月 01, 2016

Visiting GOKYO, Sakai brewery in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi pref.

カテゴリー: Brewery

Sakai Brewery brews one of my favorite sake brand GOKYO(五橋). The brewery was established along NISHIKI river in Iwakuni city in 1871 and the name GOKYO comes from the KINTAIKYO(錦帯橋) , a beautiful and historical wooden bridge with well-designed unique five span arches.

平成28醸造年度が始まったばかりのお忙しい時期に、私も大好きな「五橋」 を醸されている酒井酒造さんにお邪魔してきました。酒井酒造さんは1871年、明治4年に岩国の錦川沿いに創業。銘柄名の「五橋」は、錦川にかかる美しい5連の木造の歴史的な橋「錦帯橋」に由来しています。
