投稿日: 12月 14, 2017

Shochu & Awamori Seminar Report

カテゴリー: Event / Seminar, Report


投稿日: 3月 07, 2017

The 1st SAKE with FLOWER event

カテゴリー: Event / Seminar

We held the 1st art event named ‘Sake with Flower’ on 4th March.

This event offers a special experience: having tasty sake and food while watching ikebana and its creative process. We selected 4 kinds of sake from Ichinokura brewery in Miyagi prefecture and made paring food harmoniously. Sayaka Toshima, a performing artist, showcased ikebana with vibrant spring flowers. Sake, ikebana, and the beauty of a spring night.

投稿日: 10月 31, 2016

The 36th Japan sake tasting competition including a newly-started International category was held on 28th Oct

カテゴリー: Event / Seminar

The 36th Japan Sake Tasting Competition was held on 28th Oct. sponsored by Japan Sake And Shochu Makers Association at Sheraton Miyako Hotel Tokyo.
This year, the International Category is newly opened.
This will be held in English for non-Japanese speaking sake lovers!
10月28日に、日本酒造組合中央会主催で「第36回 全国きき酒選手権大会」が、シェラトン都ホテル東京にて開催されました。今年は、英語で実施される<インターナショナル部門>が新たに創設され、その記念すべき第一回目の開催となります!

投稿日: 9月 12, 2016

Sake2020 Project Seminar Report : The Sake History #1 ~ Sake yeast kyokai No.9 yeast and Kumamoto Sake ~

カテゴリー: Event / Seminar

9月10日(土)に、Sake2020 Project の第6回目のセミナー<日本酒ヒストリア 近現代史を探る①「吟醸酒質の確立~9号酵母と熊本の酒>を、目黒区 不動前の「水仙」さんで開催いたしました!
Sake2020 Project held the 6th seminar titled “The Sake History” ~ Sake yeast kyokai No.9 yeast and Kumamoto Sake ~ on 10th Sep.

投稿日: 8月 26, 2016

On the Fuji Sankei Business i newspaper / 「フジサンケイビジネスアイ」に掲載されました!

カテゴリー: Event / Seminar, Media

The article about the seminar I organized appeared on the Fuji Sankei Buisiness i newspaper today!
企画・運営を担当しました SAKE2020 Project のセミナーに関する記事が、本日発売の「フジサンケイビジネスアイ」誌に掲載されました!

投稿日: 8月 13, 2016

Organizing a SAKE2020 project seminar about the SAKE-related tourism on 7/30 / 「旅と日本酒」セミナーを開催しました

カテゴリー: Event / Seminar

It was a great pleasure for me to organize the sake2020 project seminar titled “Sake expands opportunities of tourism in Japan” held on 30th July 2016 at DOOUJI temple in Minato-ku, Tokyo.
2016年7月30日(土)、盛夏の東京は港区 道往寺にて「SAKEで広がるニッポンの観光」セミナーを開催しました!
